Social Security Disability Articles
Your Guide to
Social Security Disability Benefits
Articles that explain eligibility, application tips, and benefits to support your journey.
Labyrinthine-Vestibular Disorders
This disorder refers to damage to the inner ear. Serious problems with balance is most common since the inner ear is primarily responsible for balance. This disorder also includes tinnitus, or ringing in the ears. Tinnitus and progressive hearing loss is almost always present with [...]
Cardiomyopathy refers to a disease of the heart muscle. Symptoms include shortness of breath, fatigue, swelling in the ankles, fluid in the lungs, heart enlargement, swelling of the liver, heart arrhythmias, passing out, angina, and palpitations. There are two main tests that will show [...]
Interstitial Cystitis
This is an inflammatory bladder condition where the patient may suffer severe pain near the pelvis. They may have severe urinary frequency and urgency. There is a mental element to this impairment. Frequently people with interstitial cystitis will suffer from depression and anxiety. Other [...]
Renal Disease
Renal disease refers to chronic kidney disease. The bottom line with this impairment is that doctors use a chronic kidney disease scale to rate the severity of the kidney disease. In order to present a proper case to the Social Security Administration, laboratory reports showing [...]
Sickle Cell Disease
Sickle cell disease is a blood disorder which can cause severe anemia. Blockages occur in tiny blood vessels thereby causing painful incidents or crises from time to time. It is the anemia that causes the limitations interfering with a person's ability to work. If the [...]
Skin Disorders
Skin conditions may cause severe pain and itching. Many times these disorders affect the hands and the feet. A skin disorder on your hands may be so bad it will be hard for you to handle objects. If your feet are affected, you may have [...]