Win the benefits you deserve
NC Social Security Lawyer
You’ve worked all your life, paid taxes and expected the Government to live up to its promise to help you if you became unable to work because of a medical problem. And now, you have a medical problem that keeps you from working and you need Social Security disability to help pay the bills. But the Social Security Administration says it will not pay you because your medical problem is not serious.
You need the experience of Attorney Greg Kornegay to help get the benefits you deserve.
Struggling with a social security benefits issue and need a Social Security Lawyer in Eastern North Carolina? Experienced trial attorney Greg Kornegay has the answers you need.
Two Programs for Disability

Social Security Disability Insurance Program (SSDI)
is for individuals who are insured because of their contributions to the Social Security trust fund – they have worked a certain amount of time, paying Social Security taxes on their earnings. However, there are cutoff dates and requirements that apply (i.e., credits, quarters of coverage).

Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
is for individuals who have limited income and resources. Prior work is not required to obtain SSI, however, the amount paid under a SSI case is generally much lower than with a Social Security Disability (DI) case. SSI is a welfare program. We have the experience to represent both programs.
Let A Social Security Lawyer in Wilmington Fight For You!
Typical Bureaucratic Denial Language:
“We have determined that the condition is not severe enough to preclude work.”
“We have determined that the condition is not expected to remain severe enough for 12 months in a row to be considered disabling.”
“We have determined that the condition was not disabling on any date through , the last date insured for disability benefits.”
If you have received a Social Security disability denial letter from the Social Security Administration with any of the above explanations, or other explanations, you need to contact a disability attorney as soon as possible. You normally have 60 days from the date that you received the denial letter in which to appeal.
Get 25 years of experience from a Wilmington Social Security Disability Attorney fighting for you and call Greg Kornegay, Attorney at Law. Our fees are paid from your back benefits only when we win your case. We have handled a wide variety of medical conditions through the years resulting in many favorable decisions. We handle tough cases – no cherry picking.
Helpful Tips for Disability Claims:
- Talk to your doctor about disability before you apply to make sure your claim is supported.
- Never leave a Social Security office without proof of what you did while there.
- Send info to the Social Security office thru Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested.
- Take a list of your doctors and their contact info into the Social Security office when you first apply.
- Submit evidence of your diagnosis and functional limitations as soon as possible.
Compassionate Allowances
The government has set up a program that will allow faster processing times for certain impairments. If you have one of these medical problems, your case will be flagged by the Social Security Administration for a fast track. Your case will jump in front of others and be done sooner rather than later.
Social Security Disability Insurance FAQs
No question is too small. Every client is important. The Law Offices of Gregory Kornegay is an experienced social security disability insurance law firm. We help people file to get the benefits they deserve.
Bottom Line
The Government weighs evidence in the following order of importance:
1. Medical tests
2. Opinions of treating doctors
3. What you say about your medical problems.
A good medical test makes the Judge happy. The Judge will not have to guess. However, most cases have all three types of evidence. It is desirable to have medical tests and doctors’ opinions, all saying you have a serious medical problem. This means you will likely win your case.