Social Security Disability Articles
Your Guide to
Social Security Disability Benefits
Articles that explain eligibility, application tips, and benefits to support your journey.
Mental Retardation
The Social Security Administration very rarely pays claims based solely on mental retardation. The Government has specifically stated that in order to find someone disabled solely based on mental retardation, it must be shown that this person was retarded before the age of 22. So [...]
Anxiety Disorders
Generalized anxiety disorders, phobias, panic attacks, obsessive compulsive disorders, posttraumatic stress disorders (PTSD) makeup this category of impairments.Persons with generalized anxiety disorders are unable to handle jobs involving stress or dealing with the public. The type of stress that could trigger an anxiety attack varies from job [...]
Personality Disorders
The Social Security Administration does not like this impairment as the basis for awarding benefits simply because they believe that the disorder is subjective in nature. Personality disorders are very common. Assessing the severity of a personality disorder comes down to a doctor or psychologist [...]
Syringomyelia is a severe neurologic problem. There probably will be congenital malformations in the cervical spine or the base of the skull. Normally there is a cavity within the brain stem or upper cervical spine that produces this disorder. Many times a person with this [...]
Spasmodic Torticollis
This disorder is also known as wryneck. It is caused by spasms or contractions of the neck muscles thereby causing the head to be turned to one side or tilted up or down. This can cause severe pain and prevent the person from having a [...]
Sarcoidosis is considered a rheumatic disease. This disorder is usually found in a routine chest x-ray. The most obvious symptoms from this disorder occur in the lungs. Normally people with this disorder take prednisone which is a very powerful medication with very serious side effects. [...]