Social Security Disability Articles
Your Guide to
Social Security Disability Benefits
Articles that explain eligibility, application tips, and benefits to support your journey.
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, RSD)
RSD is a very serious medical problem that can sometimes stem from a very minor original injury. Normally, RSD affects an arm or a leg and can produce a great amount of pain. Presently there is no adequate medical treatment for most cases. Your doctor [...]
Chronic Pain Syndrome
Chronic pain and can have severe effects upon your ability to concentrate and remember things. Chronic pain also affects your ability to socially interact with others. If you suffer from pain long enough it normally produces depression as a side effect of your main medical [...]
For some people, having cancer means an automatic approval for disability benefits. Sometimes, the Social Security Administration will question a cancer case when they expect improvement after treatment. Even in these types of cases where improvement is expected, there may be complications or medical problems associated [...]
These impairments are generally not rated severe enough to keep a claimant from working because of the successful treatments offered today. However, if you are suffering from serious problems with weakness, weight loss, night sweats, or serious mental problems related to HIV or AIDS these [...]
Postpolio Syndrome
Sometimes, even though you had polio and recovered, the delayed effects of polio have now caused an obvious impairment. The Social Security Administration will look at your ability to move around, ability to walk, difficulty with swallowing, difficulty with breathing or problems with your speech. [...]
The problem with presenting this impairment to the Social Security Administration is that it is usually self-reported. Unless your headaches are being caused by a tumor or a head injury, there is usually no way for an objective medical test to show that you are [...]