Skin Disorders
Skin conditions may cause severe pain and itching. Many times these disorders affect the hands and the feet. A skin disorder on your hands may be so bad it will be hard for you to handle objects. If your feet are affected, you may have trouble standing or walking. The most common case is psoriasis. However there is a wide variability in the seriousness of the cases. Most cases are from mild to moderate severity and normally will not serve as a basis for disability. It normally takes a severe case of psoriasis, normally involving the hands or feet to persuade the Social Security Administration that you cannot work because of a skin condition. If you have a serious skin condition you must be treated by a dermatologist in order to properly present your case to the Social Security Administration. The reason a dermatologist is needed is simply because many judges who work for the Social Security Administration find it hard to believe that someone could be disabled from a skin disorder. Therefore the judge will want to hear from an expert in skin disorders to determine the authenticity of the disorder.
What Our Clients Say:

Attorney Gregory Kornegay
Greg is a trial attorney in Wilmington with over 30 years of experience. Greg was born and raised in southeastern North Carolina. Before law school he managed a store with employees making a payroll every week. His first job out of law school was as an Assistant District Attorney investigating and trying cases for the State of North Carolina. Through the years he has handled many different types of cases – including death penalty cases.
Being married with children has been a blessing and a challenge, but has served him well in understanding the problems individuals and families face as they live out their lives. Greg believes that each case is different and the needs of each client are unique, but there are certain themes of life that we all share.